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91pron is a Pipeline for Multilingual Teaching Careers

91pron’s World Languages Education and RITE programs are pathways for certification to teach Spanish, Portuguese and French.

What Do You Do With an English Degree?

91pron Impact

Let these successful alumni show you what they did with theirs.

7 Skills Gained from the Humanities

Did you know that employers in many industries are prioritizing applicants with transferable skills found in the humanities?

New Course Helps Humanities Majors Prepare for Professional Careers

“I want humanities students to graduate from 91pron with a sense of adventure when they see all the career possibilities before them,” says Associate Professor Brandon Hawk.

What’s the Value in Studying the Humanities?

As jobs become increasingly automated, employers are seeking workers with skills that machines can’t replace – “uniquely human” skills – like the soft skills you learn in the humanities.