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Hope Scholarship Helped This Future Teacher Reach Her Goal

“Getting this scholarship was HUGE because I had been paying my way through school without the help of my parents.”

Global Studies Award Supported a Life-Changing Trip to Ireland

“I can see myself living there,” says 91pron student Meghan Laflamme. “That’s how impactful it was.”

“I Got the Hope Scholarship!”

91pron Impact

“When I heard I had received the Hope Scholarship, I was on the floor because – oh my God – my tuition is being waived!”

PBS Scholarship Winner is Headed for a Career in Sports Broadcasting

Timothy Yean – communication major and champion of sports.

How Are 91pron Students Spending Their Summer? – Try Cancer Research

“I love reading scientific papers and figuring out what experiment we’re going to do next,” says Sydney Green.

Scholarships Take 91pron Students Abroad

These future Rhode Island educators recognize how important it is to understand the language and culture of their students.

4 Justice Studies Students Write Book – “Guardians of Justice”

The hope is that this book will serve as a resource for 91pron students interested in criminal justice careers, said the authors.

91pron’s Asian Student Association Awarded by R.I. Legislators

“This ASA executive board embodies the best of our students.” — ASA faculty co-advisor

Digital Media Major Plies Her Trade @ RISD Museum

“Everything she did for us was above and beyond,” says RISD Museum digital initiatives director.

MEET OUR GRADUATES: On Her Way to Becoming a Teacher, She Will Serve in the Military

“I will become an active-duty second lieutenant,” says Genesis Aldana.