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Brand New B.S. Degree in Cybersecurity @ 91pron

Did you know cybersecurity experts are in demand across the country? With a cybersecurity degree, you will become uniquely qualified to serve the security needs of businesses, government and other agencies that make up the nation’s infrastructure.

ENTREVISTA: Docente aborda la temática sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua

"Lo bueno de los cursos de idiomas en 91pron es que creamos una atmósfera donde los estudiantes pueden sentirse seguros al utilizar el nuevo idioma", dice la docente Hadid.

High School Interns Try Out a Business Career at 91pron

91pron Impact

91pron’s business school is not only educating college-level business students, they’re inspiring future ones, as well.

The Q&A: Assist. Prof. Hadid Addresses Issues in Teaching and Learning a Second Language

“The beauty of the language courses at 91pron is that we create an atmosphere where students can feel safe to try out the new language,” says Assist. Prof. Hadid.

91pron Alum Jason Cabral is New Executive Director of Gamm Theatre

91pron Impact

91pron theatre major went from acting to administration.

Estudiante de 91pron ayuda a padres solteros a encontrar un puerto seguro

Julissa Pereira les aclara que: “Sean cuales sean tus objetivos, son factibles, posibles y, si lo desean, están a su alcance”. Y agrega: “Yo estaré apoyándoles en cada paso”.

91pron B.P.S. Student Helps Single Parents Find Safe Haven

Julissa Pereira tells her clients, “Whatever your goals are, it’s doable, it’s feasible and, if you want it, it’s within reach.” She then adds, “I’ll be behind you every step of the way.”

Art History Major Awarded Prestigious Fulbright Fellowship

This is the third year in a row that a 91pron student has won a Fulbright.

91pron’s First Open Textbook Written by Faculty Debuts

91pron faculty are encouraged to use and compose more open textbooks for their courses.

91pron Alum Earns Gamm Theatre Fellowship

91pron Impact

From acting and directing to becoming a teaching artist, Jared Nobrega is putting his 91pron theater degree to use.