Dr. Victoria Restler

  • Associate Professor

An interdisciplinary artist and educator, Victoria Restler has worked for fifteen years in schools, juvenile justice facilities, galleries, universities and nonprofits to address social issues through participatory art-making. A native Brooklyn-ite, she received her PhD in Urban Education from the CUNY Graduate Center in 2017. Her multimodal dissertation research explores the visual culture of teacher evaluation by zooming in on the images and experiences of educators grappling with new evaluation policies.


B.A., Art + Anthropology, Williams College (2002)
M.Phil, Urban Education, The Graduate Center of the City of New York (2014)
Ph.D., Urban Education, The Graduate Center of the City of New York (2017)

Selected Publications

Selected Presentations and Publications

2018 Restler, V. (2018). Countervisualities of care: re-visualizing teacher labor.Gender and Education, 1-12.

2018 Restler, V. & Luttrell, W. (2018). Gaze interrupted: Speaking back to stigma with visualresearch. In P. Alldred, F. Cullen, K. Edwards, & D. Fusco (Eds.),SAGE Handbook of YouthWork Practice.Thousand Oaks California: SAGE Publications. 

2019 “Physical, Visual, and Sensory: Mapping Whiteness with Art Educators.” American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting

2019 “Picturing Care: Reframing Gender, Race, and Educational Justice.” Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting

2018 “Dis/Orientations: Mapping whiteness in educational spaces.” Continuing the conversation: Response and responsibility summit, Harvard Graduate School of Education​.

Honors & Awards

2018 Outstanding Dissertation Award, Arts-Based Educational Research SIG, American Educational Research Association

2016-17 Provost’s Digital Innovation Grant, CUNY Graduate Center 

2015 Dissertation-Year Fellowship, CUNY Graduate Center

2010-15 Enhanced Chancellor Fellowship, CUNY Graduate Center​

Multimedia research: Re-visualizing care, The digital assemblage
Participatory art/ activist project: Those Who Can


YDEV 352: Seminar in Youth Development
YDEV 353: Field Experience in Youth Development