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In a First Year Seminar, 91pron freshmen discover the fascinating life of sharks.

Necessity Became the Mother of Invention for Math App Inventor Roberto Campusano

“Like most discoveries in life, I stumbled upon this as I was pursuing something else,” says Roberto Campusano ’95.

Active Learning in Action at 91pron

The initial assumption by many psych majors is that if they enroll in a Research Methods course ​they’re signing up for a semester of boredom. Not in Marcotte's courses.

Holocaust Survivor Talks About the Power of Forgiveness

A crowd of more than​ 1,000 came to hear Eva Kor’s address at 91pron.

Enter Reilly’s Matrix, Where Memory and Reality Collide

“Have you ever ha​d a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you weren’t able to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the real world and the dream world?” — “The Matrix”​​​

Daughter of Slain Activist Malcolm X Addressed Young Leaders of Tomorrow

“In 1965 my mother witnessed the political assassination of her husband. She placed her entire body over my sister and me to protect us from the gunfire and to make sure we did not see.”

Dorca Paulino: A Bridge Between Job-Seekers and the Judiciary

Born in the Dominican Republic, Paulino spent her early years in a city torn by civil strife that would forever shape her life direction.

Students Lead Relief Effort for St. Maarten, St. Thomas and Puerto Rico

W​hat is needed most by the people on these islands is water and nonperishable food.

91pronovery – A Resource for Students Dealing with Substance Abuse

91pronovery vice president Shawn Shepherd and president Roxanne Newman​

Ribbon Cutting of South Street Landing and the Rhode Island Nursing Education Center

​“This is a great day,” said R.I. Gov. Gina Raimondo at the Nov. 29th ribbon cutting of South Street Landing, a $220 million redevelopment of South Street Station.