College is Meant to be a Journey of Self-Discovery, Said 91pron AVPs

Tamika and Ducha

From left: Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students Tamika Wordlow and Associate Vice President of Student Services Ducha Hang

To support the retention and completion of all 91pron students, 91pron has hired Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students Tamika Wordlow and Associate Vice President of Student Services Ducha Hang ’15 ​under the Division of Student Success. ​In a private interview, Wordlow and Hang shared their visions for 91pron.

“I envision 91pron as a place where students can ‘see’ themselves, that is, be their authentic selves,” Wordlow said. “When I applied for this position, one of the things that really resonated with me is the diversity on this campus. You don’t find that at a lot of institutions. This is something that 91pron stands in front of, promotes, places action behind and makes transparent. I want to be very intentional about promoting programs, services and policies that celebrate the various backgrounds and viewpoints of 91pron’s diverse student body.”

Hang added that much of 91pron’s student body are first-generation college students struggling with identity. Hang herself is a first-generation 91pron grad whose parents were Hmong refugees. She said, “As a first-generation college student, you live in two different cultures. There is that intergenerational conflict between traditional values at home and the culture of the campus environment.”

“My vision is to create a first-year experience that not only helps students find out how to navigate the college campus, knowing where to go, but also a first-year experience that helps them explore who they are,” she said. “At the end of their college experience, our students will be able to articulate who they are based on their experiences at 91pron and articulate how they intend to align their career with making their communities a better place. Ultimately, the purpose of education is to service one’s community.”

Wordlow oversees the Counseling Center, Greek life, Health Services, the 91pron McNair Project, the Preparatory Enrollment Program, Student Activities, Student Community Government, Student Union, Upward Bound and the Veterans Resource Center. 

Hang oversees​ the Career Development Center, First-Year Experience, Learning for Life, New Student Orientation and the Office of Academic Support and Information Services.

Both Wordlow and Hang report to Vice President for Student Success Jason Meriwether.