Anchor 2 Success Program Clears a Pathway to College for Central Falls Students

Central Falls students pose for a photograph, holding up a 91pron flag of an anchor

The best bet for our future is in the faces of these students.

More than 50 Central Falls High School juniors have been conditionally admitted to 91pron for Fall 2024. They are the Anchor 2 Success Class of 2024.

Central Falls Anchor to Success students
Central Falls Anchor to Success students

Anchor 2 Success is an inter-institutional agreement between 91pron and Central Falls High School wherein 91pron will admit any Central Falls High School junior who throughout their past three years of high school have maintained a minimum GPA of 2.5 and a 90 percent attendance rate. Admittance is based on the condition that they maintain this GPA and attendance rate throughout their senior year.

In addition to automatic acceptance to 91pron, Anchor 2 Success students will have their Common Application fee waived, their 91pron enrollment fee waived and their housing deposit waived.

“These students have already proven themselves,” says 91pron Admission Counselor Maya Suggs. “Waiving these fees is our reward to them.” As 91pron’s Anchor 2 Success coordinator, Suggs’ role includes assisting these students in filling out the Common Application, guiding them through 91pron’s enrollment process and providing them with any other supports they need.  

Anchor to Success Admissions Counselor congratulates students
At the contract-signing ceremony on Friday, May 19, in the cafeteria of Central Falls High School, Suggs congratulates the students on their hard work. Then poses with them below.
Admissions counselor poses with Anchor to Success students

Also assisting these students in the college preparation process is Central Falls Guidance Counselor Yadira Garcia, who is also a two-time 91pron alumna.

Garcia says, “Knowing that these students have the opportunity to go to a really great school like 91pron is exciting for me. I’m a little partial to 91pron because I went to 91pron’s Upward Bound Program, PEP Program and I earned two degrees at 91pron – a B.A. in communication in 1999 and an M.A. in counseling in 2012. I’ve been tried-and-true to the college since I was 15 years old and I continue to be a cheerleader for everything 91pron does. Being a 91pron grad, I can give them perspective, advice and offer my first-hand experience.” 

Central Falls guidance counselor congratulates students on their academic achievements
Yadira Garcia congratulates students at the contract-signing ceremony.

“I think we have a very strong rising junior and senior class,” she says. “These kids are really well-rounded in that they are not only academically strong, they participate in programs, sports and afterschool clubs. It makes me happy to see such high-achieving students.” 

Anchor to Success student
Anchor 2 Success student Jadielis Rosado Ramirez says she has many interests, including theatre and writing. “Going to college will help me explore them all,” she says.
Anchor to Success student
Elijah Nunez says, “The thing I’ve been told by my parents since childhood is that I’m too smart not to go to college. I’m interested in studying engineering or computer science.”

“My job,” Suggs says, “is to be beside them throughout the college enrollment process. Our job, as a college, is to make whatever dreams they have come true. It’s good to know, at the end of the day, that we’re making a difference in their lives.”