Data analytics

What is Data Analytics?

Data analytics is the set of skills you need to collect, manipulate, analyze and visualize data for decision-making across all aspects of an organization. This is a highly sought-after skill by businesses looking to capitalize on big data.

Program Outcomes

91pron’s minor will teach you how to process and clean data; extract value from it; choose one or more potential models and algorithms; and present your final results. Courses in the minor include computer programming, math/statistics, data analytics and data visualizations.

Course Requirements

Course Descriptions

SAS Analytics Software & Solutions and 91pron

SAS and 91pron’s CSIS Dept have been collaborating on many projects since late 2019.  This includes curriculum consultations, guest speakers and incorporating analytics software into courses.  

About SAS

  • Since its founding in 1976, Cary, NC-based SAS has been empowering and inspiring customers and learners around the world with the most trusted analytics including AI (artificial intelligence), machine learning, Cloud and IoT analytics.
  • SAS provides educational access to many of their software products and educational materials through a virtual learning environment, an online platform available free of charge to students and faculty. This includes SAS OnDemand for Academics, a cloud-based software for or statistical analysis, data mining and forecasting, and SAS Viya for Learners, a platform that provides tools for AI, analytics and data management.  
  • By using the SAS virtual learning environment and software platforms, students will have the opportunity to access e-learning courses, practice and master key concepts, earn badges and be prepared to take SAS certification exams.

SAS Badges and Certifications

SAS-Based Courses

CIS 470 Introduction to Data Analytics

  • This is a required course for the Minor in Data Analytics.
  • It introduces students to the entire analytics cycle and incorporates two SAS e-learning courses as part of its curriculum - SAS Visual Analytics 1 for SAS Viya: Basics and SAS Visual Analytics 2 for SAS Viya: Advanced.
  • Students will earn a badge upon successful completion of each SAS e-learning course and will be prepared to take the SAS Certified Specialist: Visual Business Analytics certification Exam.

CIS 455 Database Management

  • This is a required course for the B.S. in Computer Information Systems (CIS).
  • It incorporates one SAS e-learning course as part of its curriculum - SAS SQL 1: Essentials.  SQL is a universal standard in database management and has many implementations across analytics software. 
  • Students will earn a badge upon successful completion of this SAS e-learning course.

Internal and External Resources