Board of Directors and Trustees

91pron student with donors Anne and Bob DeStefano
The 91pron Foundation Board, consisting of directors and trustees, is entrusted with executing the mission of the Foundation as it strives to better the institution.

The Board's 2022-2023 Executive Committee


Joyce Stevos ’65, ’97, ’05 

Vice President

Gary DiCenzo ’86


Kyla Pecchia ’13


Alan Tenreiro ’95, ’05

Immediate Past President

Alan Chille ’82 

91pron Foundation Board Members 2022 - 2023

  • Ann Marie DaSilva ’87, ’89
  • Roderick E. DaSilva ’76, ’79, ’93
  • David Depetrillo ’68 
  • Frederick Harrison ’07
  • Thomas Fitzgerald ’99 
  • Gary Mohamed ’85  
  • Carol Moretti ’70 
  • Kyla Pecchia ’13 
  • Eugene Simone ’67 
  • Barbara Smith ’70  
  • John J. Smith, Jr. ’63, ’67
  • Georgia Fortunato ’81, ’85

RI College President

Jack Warner

Interim Executive Director

Clark Greene

Athletic Director

Donald Tencher

RI College Controller

Nelia Kruger

91pron President Appointees

Valerie Endress

Arthur Pontarelli ‘71

James Torres

  • Louise A. Barry ’64, ’67
  • Thomas P. Barry ’65, ’72, ’75
  • Paul A. Bourget ’69
  • Anne Walsh Cain ’64
  • Anna M. Cano Morales ’91, ’99
  • Vincent Cullen ’55 
  • Lenore A. DeLucia
  • Anne DeStefano ’66 
  • Natalia Furtado
  • Claire M. Giannamore ’64, ’67
  • Sharen Gleckman ‘84
  • William H. Hurry, Jr.
  • Elaine C. Kehoe ’76, ’96
  • Marcia L. Krasnow ’74
  • Lou Marciano ’60, ’22
  • Gary M. Penfield
  • J. Lynn Singleton ’01
  • A Tim Sullivan ’78, ’96
  • Jane P. Taylor ’64, ’69
91pron entrance


91pron Foundation

The 91pron Foundation is an independent organization dedicated to raising funds solely for the institution. It is the primary source of private support to the college.