Two students

What is My91pron ID?

Your My91pron ID consists of two parts, a My91pron ID username and password.

Your username is constructed by taking your first ​initial followed by your last name, followed by an underscore "_" and the last four digits of your student ID. For example, if your name is Joe E. Doe and your student ID is 1234567, your username will be jdoe_4567. In the unlikely event that your username is not unique, your username will include an alphabetic character, e.g. jdoe_4567​a.

To begin using your 91pron account (or to regain access to 91pron email, Blackboard, and My91pron), you will need to set an initial password. Set a new password by visiting Setting your Password.

NOTE: To further enhance security for students, the system will require strong passwords (i.e., passwords containing 10-14 characters, no names or repeating characters and at least one of each of the following: upper case, lower case, number, and a special character). 

If you require assistance, please contact the ITS Help Center (401-456-8803 or or visit the walk-in lab at Whipple Hall Room 102.

To begin using your 91pron account (or to regain access to 91pron email, Blackboard, and My91pron), you will need to set an initial password. Set a new password by visiting Setting your Password.

NOTE: To further enhance security for students, the system will require strong passwords (i.e., passwords containing 10-14 characters, no names or repeating characters and at least one of each of the following: upper case, lower case, number, and a special character). 

If you require assistance, please contact the ITS Help Center (401-456-8803 or or visit the walk-in lab at Whipple Hall Room 102.

Your student email account consists of your first initial, last name, an underscore (_), the last four digits of your My91pron ID and For example, if your name is John E. Doe and your student ID is 1234567, your email account information will be

Click here to access student e-mail account information

If you require assistance, please see additional instructions available on My91pron or contact the ​ITS Help Center (401-456-8803 or or visit the walk-in lab (Whipple 102).