Dr. Katherine M. Lacasse

Katherine Lacasse
Department, Office, or School
Department of Psychology
  • Professor


Ph.D., Social Psychology, Clark University
M.A., Social Psychology, Clark University
B.A., Psychology, Providence College

Selected Publications

Zurawel, J., Lacasse, K., Spas, J., & Merrill, J. (2024). Identifying the trajectory of public stigma across the stages of recovery from a substance use disorder. Stigma and Health. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/sah0000520

Campbell-Obaid, M. & Lacasse, K. (2023). A perpetrator by any other name: Unpacking the characterizations and consequences of the “terrorist”, “lone wolf”, and “mass shooter” labels for perpetrators of mass violence. Psychology of Violence, 13(5), 425–435. https://doi.org/10.1037/vio0000476

Moore, F. C., Lacasse, K., Mach, K. J., Shin, Y. A., Gross, L. J., & Beckage, B. (2022). Determinants of emissions pathways in the coupled climate-social system. Nature, 603, 103-111. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04423-8

Beckage, B., Moore, F. C., & Lacasse, K. (2022). Incorporating human behavior into Earth system modeling. Nature Human Behavior, 6, 1493–1502. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-022-01478-5

Lacasse, K. & Campbell-Obaid, M. (2022). Investigating factors that alter public support for countering violent extremism intervention programs for at-risk youth. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression. Advanced online publication: https://doi.org/10.1080/19434472.2022.2127834

DeSalvo, N., Lacasse, K., & Jackson, T. (2022). Gender norms shape perceived threat to self and others and mask wearing behavior in response to COVID-19. Translational Issues in Psychological Science. Advance online publication: https://doi.org/10.1037/tps0000328

Lacasse, K., & Jackson, T. E. (2019). Conformity to masculine norms predicts men’s decision-making regarding a new male contraceptive. Culture, Health, & Sexuality, 2(10), 1128-1144. https://doi.org/10.1080/13691058.2019.1658806

Lacasse, K. (2019). Can’t hurt, might help: Examining the spillover effects from purposefully adopting a new pro-environmental behavior. Environment & Behavior, 51(3), 259-287. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013916517748164

Beckage, B., Gross, L., Lacasse, K., Carr, E., Metcalf, S., Winter, J., Howe, P., Fefferman, N., Frank, T., Zia, A., Kinzig, A., & Hoffman, F. (2018). Linking models of human behavior and climate alters projected climate change. Nature Climate Change, 8, 79–84. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-017-0031-7

Lacasse, K. (2016). Don't be satisfied, identify! Strengthening positive spillover by connecting pro-environmental behaviors to an "environmentalist" label. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 48, 149-158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2016.09.006


Research: Climate change and environmental sustainability, Modeling socio-environmental systems, Risk-perception and decision-making, Pro-environmental behaviors and policy support, Labeling and stigma, Gender norms and health behaviors, Public perceptions of terrorists

Teaching: Social psychology, Research methods, Statistics, Science of happiness, Internships & professional development, Introduction to psychology