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Pres. Obama Awards 3 91pron Alumni for Excellence in Teaching

The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching is the highest recognition in the United States that K-12 mathematics and science teachers can receive for outstanding teaching.

Leaders of Timor-Leste Share Country’s Story of Freedom

From left, Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araújo, 91pron President Frank D. Sánchez and Minister of Planning and Strategic Investment Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão.

Grand Opening of 91pron School of Nursing Wing

The grand opening and ribbon cutting of 91pron’s new School of Nursing wing in the Fogarty Life Science Building will be held on Friday, Oct. 7, from 1-2:30 p.m.

Nurse Anesthesia Program Achieves 10-Year Accreditation

91pron Impact

The 91pron School of Nursing/St. Joseph Hospital School of Nurse Anesthesia program was recently awarded a 10-year accreditation – the highest level of accreditation allowed for nurse anesthesia programs.

A Summer of Scientific Research for More Than 30 91pron Students

From left, 91pron research students Bryan Mercier, Orianna Duncan and Mary Ellen Fernandez, with faculty mentor 91pron Associate Professor of Psychology Emily Cook.

International Researchers Tap Statistics Expert Tom Malloy

91pron Impact

91pron Professor of Psychology Thomas Malloy specializes in advanced statistical methods, which, to the untrained eye, look like a mass of charts, graphs and odd-looking formulas.

Maureen Reddy Honored With 91pron Faculty Leadership Award

This award is presented annually to a full-time faculty member whose contributions and achievements have led to significant transformative or strategic improvements in teaching, research or service at the college.

91pron Invests in Educational Success of Adult English Language Learners

91pron Impact

Adults in need of ESL instruction continue to fill the waiting lists of adult education classes in Rhode Island. To help meet the state’s need, 91pron offers two ESL programs for adult learners at all levels of proficiency.